Notices eTendering System Government of NCT of Delhi
The eSubmission Tender System of NCT of Delhi enables the Tenderers to download the Tender Schedule free of cost and then submit the bids online through this portal.
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Latest Tenders  
Tender Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Painting of Power Transformers and Accessories of 66 KV AND 33 KV Power Transformer installed at various Electric Sub-station. EE(E)M33KV/work/2024-25 17-Feb-2025 04:00 PM 17-Feb-2025 04:30 PM
2. Repairing of water supply network in BK Dutt Colony, New Delhi 50/EE(W/S)/2024-25 13-Feb-2025 04:00 PM 13-Feb-2025 04:30 PM
3. Upgradation and renovation of Sound System and Stage lighting for Auditorium DDU College New Delhi 118/EE (E) /PWD EMD South West/2024-25 14-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 14-Feb-2025 03:30 PM
4. NIT No. 6 item No. 1 NIT NO.06/2024-2025)EE(SDW)VIII 13-Feb-2025 02:45 PM 13-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
5. NIT No. 6 item No. 2 NIT NO.06/2024-2025)EE(SDW)VIII 13-Feb-2025 02:45 PM 13-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
6. 33/EE(M/S)/2024-25 2nd Call 33/EE(M/S)/2024-25 2nd Call 14-Feb-2025 03:30 PM 14-Feb-2025 04:00 PM
7. RMO specialized Electrical and Mechanical Services of Delhi High Court, New Delhi. (Sub Head Comprehensive maintenance of 3 Nos. Screw Chiller of York Make installed at Extension Block ) 233/EE(E)/JED-1/PWD/2024-25 15-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 15-Feb-2025 03:30 PM
8. Procurement of Database (E-Journal) F.N7(2)/24/MAIDS/Lib/2024-25 24-Feb-2025 12:00 PM 24-Feb-2025 02:00 PM
9. A R and M O to Eastern wing Western wing Central Hall Tis Hazari Courts New Extension Block Session House and Dheerpur Court Delhi 2024-25 SH Miscellaneous Preventive Work 25/EE/JCD-2/PWD/2024-25 14-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 14-Feb-2025 03:30 PM
10. RMO Specialized Electrical and Mechanical Services of Tis Hazari Court, Delhi. 04/Auction/JED-1/PWD/2024-25 15-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 15-Feb-2025 03:30 PM
Latest Tenders updates every 15 mins.    More...
Latest Corrigendums
Corrigendum Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Corrigendum in date F3/PS/GTBH/2024-25/OTE/Drugs and Medicines/New Tender 28-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 28-Feb-2025 02:30 PM
2. Pre Bid Clarifications T24R220414 17-Feb-2025 01:30 PM 17-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
3. Pre Bid Clarifications T24R220415 20-Feb-2025 01:30 PM 20-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
4. Pre Bid Clarifications T24R220401 20-Feb-2025 01:30 PM 20-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
5. Date extended F No.7 (147)/TPT/JJ/075789001 20-Feb-2025 03:30 PM 21-Feb-2025 03:30 PM
6. Corrigendum F.7(154)/TPT/JJ/2024/075790594 20-Feb-2025 12:00 PM 20-Feb-2025 04:00 PM
7. Postpone 2 EE/CD-VI/ACS-129/2024-25 15-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 15-Feb-2025 03:10 PM
8. Postpone 2 EE/CD-VI/ACS-128/2024-25 15-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 15-Feb-2025 03:10 PM
9. Postpone 2 EE/CD-VI/ACS-127/2024-25 15-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 15-Feb-2025 03:10 PM
10. Postpone 2 EE/CD-VI/ACS-126/2024-25 15-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 15-Feb-2025 03:10 PM
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